2024-2025 Fundraising
Ravensong Aquatic Club is a non-profit society, which means that we are not in the business of making money. We raise funds through a number of sources (annual fees, community grants, club sponsorships, fundraising, etc.) to ensure that we can pay all of our expenses, while allowing a small cushion for contingencies. Fundraising is important as it is the main method for raising revenue. See our Parent Handbook for more information on Club Fundraising. If you have any questions or concerns about fundraising and/or annual fundraising commitments, please speak with Taralee who is our current Fundraising Chair (racfundraisers@gmail.com) or our parent liaison Greg (ravensong.contact@gmail.com)
2024-2025 Required Club Fundraisers are:
- Fall Bottle Drive being held on Oct 20 (mandatory attendance or $100 / swimmer non-attendance fee will be charged )
- Raffle Minimum $100/swimmer in Raffle Ticket Sales (ticket minimum sales of $200/family w multiple swimmers)
- Annual Swim Challenge (Prev known as Swimathon) ($100/swimmer commitment to a maximum of $200/family) **all other monies collected by the swimmer towards the Swim Challenge will go towards the swimmer's personal account and will be credited on their invoice.
- Spring Bottle Drive (mandatory attendance or $100 / swimmer non-attendance fee will be charged),
For each Fundraising Commitment not met, $100 will be charged to your swimmer's individual account. More details are in the RAC Parent Handbook. It is also expected families will attend/participate in other club-wide fundraisers as determined by the board. Please remember, ALL club fundraising efforts go directly towards the financial sustainability of the club.
Certain optional fundraising efforts run the course of the season. Funds raised through these optional fundraisers goes directly back to the club. Anyone in the community can participate in these fundraisers. These include:
2024-2025 Optional Club Fundraisers
Panago Pizza Coupons
Purchase Panago Pizza Coupons from our Fundraising Team (Taralee). One medium pizza coupon is $14; good for any medium pizza at Panago (best when used on Vancouver Island)
This program offers a wide variety of gift cards to purchase for yourself or others. When members purchase a gift card, they earn back a percentage for the club. Each company “kicks back” a different percent, which is indicated on the Fundscrip site. If you decide to participate, you will need to follow the steps below to create an account. Before starting, please email racfundraisers@gmail.com for our club account code.
- Use this link to access the sign in page
- You will see on the top right the “Support a Group” icon. Click on that and use the RAC code that was sent to you as indicated above, to create your account (it needs to be connected to our club in order for us to receive the rebate).
- You will be required to complete the login details
- Once logged in, you will see many choices for a variety of Gift Cards (traditional hard cards) and eGift Cards (electronic)
- If ordering traditional Gift Cards, there will be a shipping charge (approximately $1-2/order). eGift Cards have no shipping charges.
- You also have options for payment including setting up a bill payment from your bank to save billing charges for regular orders.
You can try to use FundScrip gift cards when making online purchases through FlipGive stores.
2024-2025 Optional Individual Fundraisers
- Annual Swim Challenge (all funds raised after first $100/ swimmer go to the swimmer’s account)
- Annual Flag Advertising Sales (% shared with club)
- Seasonal Purdy's Chocolate Sales (% earned direct to individual swimmer)
*Board reserves the right to offer these and/or other optional Fundraisers each year
==> Be sure to check out our page on Individual Grant Opportunities