Ravensong Aquatic Club Squads
At Ravensong Aquctic Club we have 5 squads to join (+ International Squad). Please see below for a guideline and description for each squad. Squad placement is at the discretion of the Head Coach. Information is on this LINK as well as below
Swim Bits
- focus on basic skill acquisition
- must be able to complete 25m without stopping, touching bottom, or holding side
- approximate performance level: local Red & Black Meets, 10 & Under meets, and Invitational meets
- approximate age: 6+
- focus on competitive skill acquisition + consolidation, learning to read clock
- demonstrated basic technical skills (turns, technically sound freestyle & backstroke)
- approximate performance level: Invitational meets +
- approximate age: 6 and above
- focus on skill consolidation, aerobic and speed development
- demonstrated dedication to sport (attends committed practices and competes at invitational meets+), work ethic, drive to learn
- all strokes must be technically sound and must demonstrate the ability to read clock
- approximate performance level: Invitational meets+
- approximate age: 11+
- focus on skill consolidation, aerobic and speed development
- demonstrated dedication to sport (attends committed practices and meets qualified for), work ethic, drive to learn
- approximate performance level: Vancouver Island Regional Championships+
- approximate age: 12+
- focus on skill mastery, anerobic and aerobic development
- demonstrates dedication to sport (attends committed practices and meets qualified for), work ethic, & drive to learn
- approximate performance level: Divisional Championships+
- approximate age: 14-18y
International Swimmer (SD69)
- Swimmers must have prior approval to register as International Swimmer Squad. This option is available to SD69 International Students at either KSS or BSS, who wish to continue their competitive training while away from their home club. This is not a "learn-to-swim" program, rather targets skilled swimmers eligible to Silver squad or above. This option provides for a max of 3 training sessions/week and is classified as non-competitive with SwimBC/SNC. Interested SD69 International student swimmers must book a try-out with our coach and registrar prior to registering.
- Approximate age: 14-18y