Fundraising & Volunteer Commitments

Applicable to: Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Swim Bits International Swimmer (SD69)


For the 2024-2025 season, all families will be required to participate in:

  • Fall Bottle Drive being held on Oct 20 (mandatory attendance or $100 / swimmer non-attendance fee will be charged )
  • Raffle Minimum $100/swimmer in Raffle Ticket Sales (ticket minimum sales of $200/family w multiple swimmers)
  • Annual Swim Challenge (Prev known as Swimathon) ($100/swimmer commitment to a maximum of $200/family) **all other monies collected by the swimmer towards the Swim Challenge will go towards the swimmer's personal account and will be credited on their invoice.  
  • Spring Bottle Drive (mandatory attendance or $100 / swimmer non-attendance fee will be charged),

For a total commitment of $400** in annual fundraising. As each event is completed, your fundraising commitments will be recorded to your fundraising account. If a family chooses to not participate, or meet the minimum participation, they will be charged accordingly for that missed fundraiser on their next monthly bill. Please reach out to the Fundraising Chair or RAC Parent Liaison should you have any questions or concerns about fundraising commitments; We are here to work with our families to keep kids swimming

*Annual Swim Challenge $100/swimmer: all other monies collected by the swimmer for the Annual Swim Challenge will go towards the swimmer's personal fundraising credits and will be credited to their account to offset annual dues.  Each participating swimmer must bring someone to count laps &/or time, in order to participate. 

**Substituting any of the above club fundraisers with commitment, with another fundraising event (such as hosting a swim meet, fun run, etc) is at the discretion of the board.

**SD69 International students modified commitments